【作 者】:
【关 键 词 】:
网络校际协作; 城乡同步互动课堂;“视像中国”;山区农村小学;资源共享
【栏 目】:
In this paper, Longshi primary school is selected as the research object, which is a rural school in Jinggangshan city in Jiangxi province participating in "VChina", a web -based inter -school
collaboration project. By using the methods of one-to-one in-depth interview, focus group interview and
literature research, this paper systematically summarizes and analyzes the practical experience of how the
mountainous rural primary school utilizes the web-based inter-school collaboration (including synchronous
classroom) sustainably to share urban high quality educational resources, and at the same time provides
school -based courses for urban schools to spread the spirit of jinggangshan via urban and rural
synchronous interactive classroom. On the basis of case analysis, this paper puts forward three suggestions
to promote the reform of rural school via urban and rural synchronous classroom: (1) It is important to pay
attention to the development of people and fill the digital divide in the development of urban and rural
educational informationization; (2) The active development of rural school is the key element to shrink the
digital gap with the aid of urban and rural synchronous classroom; (3) The effective implementation of
urban and rural synchronous interactive classroom needs system design.
【全 文】:
以城乡同步互动课堂促进山区农村 学校资源共享的个案研究——以“视像中国”项目为例