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    数字治理赋能新时代教育综合改革: 内涵逻辑、模型框架与实践进路

    Digital Governance Enabling Comprehensive Reform of Education in the New Era: Connotative Logic, Modelling Framework and Practical Approach


【作      者】:

罗生全, 张俊生

【关 键 词 】:

数字治理; 新时代教育综合改革; 内涵逻辑; 模型框架; 实践进路

【栏      目】:





The comprehensive reform of education in the new era empowered by digital governance is not only a necessity for the high-quality development of education, but also a reality that responds to the requirements of modernization of the education governance system and governance capacity. By deeply grasping the history and content of the theory of digital governance, and situating it in the context of promoting Chinese-style modernization and building a strong educational country, it is found that digital governance and the comprehensive reform of education in the new era are highly coupled in terms of the logic of the national strategy, the logic of educational change, and the logic of the conceptual action. The theoretical model of digital governance empowering the comprehensive reform of education in the new era is examined, and an integrative analytical framework of 'value co-creation-interest adjustment-institution optimization-digital technology' is constructed. On this basis, practical approaches are proposed for digital governance empowering comprehensive educational reform in the new era: a conceptual view of educational governance based on fairness, justice and public needs is constructed to bridge the "digital divide"; an organizational view of educational governance centered on collaboration and interest alignment is constructed to break down the "digital silo"; an action view of educational governance highlighting efficient interaction and pre-diagnosis and policy implementation is constructed to alleviate "technology suspension"; a quality view of educational governance based on accurate evidence and moderate resilience is constructed to prevent "data fundamentalism".

【全      文】:

数字治理赋能新时代教育综合改革: 内涵逻辑、模型框架与实践进路

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