中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    面向未来教育范式的智慧教育研究 ——祝智庭教授智慧教育学术思想与生成逻辑

    A Study on Smart Education for Future Educational Paradigm


【作      者】:

钟志贤, 刘晓慧,张 义 ,宋博文

【关 键 词 】:

祝智庭; 智慧教育; 学术思想; 生成逻辑; 关键人物

【栏      目】:





The representative of a discipline is usually the nucleus and a bellwether of the development of the discipline system. Based on the 188 documents published by Professor Zhu Zhiting and his team in CNKI database from December 2012 to August 2024, this paper, according to three major historical stages of the development and evolution of smart education in China, sketches the academic portrait of Professor Zhu's thoughts on smart education by referring to the Rowe's systematic literature review method, adopting bibliometric analysis, and acculturating the historical cross-sectional method and the method of unifying history and logic. This paper explores Professor Zhu's academic contributions, characteristics and the generative logic of his thoughts on smart education. Professor Zhu's significant academic contributions lie in the fact that he has constructed a

【全      文】:

面向未来教育范式的智慧教育研究 ——祝智庭教授智慧教育学术思想与生成逻辑

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