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    论素养培育的深度学习原理 ——基于知识与方法共在的视角

    On Deep Learning Principles of Competence Cultivation


【作      者】:

王克志, 张 良, 李小红

【关 键 词 】:

深度学习; 素养; 方法主义; 知识观变革; 知识与方法共在

【栏      目】:





Deep learning is a symbol of the change in learning concepts and methods for competence cultivation, and how to understand the "depth" of deep learning is the fundamental proposition of competence cultivation. Method is an important perspective for understanding deep learning, but understanding learning only from the perspective of method is prone to fall into the trap of methodism, such as instrumentalization, formalization, and skill focus, resulting in the dilemma of belittling knowledge, narrowing the connotation of deep learning, and thus making it difficult to cultivate competencies. From the perspective of the change of epistemology, the depth of deep learning is embedded in the evolution of the role of knowledge from a static entity to a problem-solving tool, the shift in value from disciplinary facts to disciplinary concepts, and the change in learning from from individual memorization to social construction. This perspective helps to avoid the trap of methodism, release the nurturing value of knowledge, expand the understanding of deep learning, and rebuild the deep relationship between knowledge and learning. The exploration of the principles of deep learning for competence cultivation lies in the coexistence of knowledge and methods, adhering to the epistemology that unifies knowledge structure and knowledge construction, building a methodology where learning content and learning methods coexist, and practicing views on knowing and doing that integrate knowledge learning with social practice.

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论素养培育的深度学习原理 ——基于知识与方法共在的视角

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