中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    On the Knowledge Transformation and Its Pedagogical Response in the Age of Digital Intelligence


【作      者】:

刘 鹂, 王 平, 李佳宁

【关 键 词 】:

数智化时代; 知识特征; 知识转型; 马克思主义认识论; 教学策略

【栏      目】:





Exploring the characteristics of knowledge and its transformation in the age of digital intelligence is the starting point and key to future teaching. Under the situation of artificial intelligence involved in knowledge production, the interval-openness, intelligence-uncertainty, dynamic-ecology, softening-fragmentation and ubiquity-personalization have become the new characteristics of knowledge. A model of knowledge transformation constructed on the basis of the knowledge standpoint of Marxist epistemology shows that: knowledge is the cognitive result that the subject acts on the object through the intermediary; the participation of intelligent machines in cognitive activities leads to the change of cognitive subject from human to human-computer collaboration; the cognitive object extends from the objective reality to the intelligent world, and the multi-space extends the scope of the object together; the intelligent extension of cognitive intermediary broadens the ways of cognition, and multiple ways promote the growth of knowledge; the change of knowledge essence leads to the same frequency and co-change of knowledge representation, knowledge form, knowledge structure and knowledge organization. In the face of knowledge transformation in the intelligent era, teaching should correspond to focus on creating a classroom for the thinking-type deep learning, constructing a digital-intelligent fusion teaching space, exploring human-computer collaborative teaching mode and promoting the intelligent evaluation of evidence-based diagnosis and reform.

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