【作 者】:
【关 键 词 】:
STEM 教育;行动计划;协作关系;印第安纳州
【栏 目】:
国内关于STEM 教育的研究偏重于理论、模式、方法和案例等,而对于如何将基础教育、高等教育、企业、教
育管理部门协同来实施STEM 教育的研究有待丰富。美国《印第安纳州科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)行动计划》提出基
础教育、高等教育、企业(工业与商业)以及教育管理部门协同开展STEM 教育。文章针对我国STEM 教育的现状,认为我
国STEM 教育应该: 面向STEM 职业需求, 协同建构STEM 教育目标; 基础教育和高等教育合作设计课程, 提升学生
STEM 知识与技能;高等教育和企业支持教师专业发展,提升STEM 教师教学能力;组建STEM 教育的管理部门,制定和
完善STEM 教育政策。
Researches on STEM education in China focus on its theories, models, methods and cases
etc. However, the research on how to implement STEM education through the collaboration of basic
education, higher education, enterprise and education management department is insufficient. Indiana's
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Initiative Plan in America proposes that basic
education, higher education, enterprise (business and industry) and education management department
should conduct STEM education collaboratively. According to the status of STEM education in China, this
study suggests that in China, faced with STEM career needs, STEM education needs to construct
instructional objectives collaboratively and to design courses through collaboration of basic education and
higher education for the purpose of improving students' STEM knowledge and skills. Teachers' professional
development should be supported by higher education and enterprise in order to enhance STEM teachers'
teaching competence. The management department of STEM education should be established and the
policy of STEM education needs to be developed and improved.
【全 文】:
基础教育、高等教育、企业以及教育管理部门 协同开展STEM 教育 ———美国《印第安纳州科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)行动计划》的启示