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    What Kind of Technology Perspective Do We Really Need


【作      者】:

安 涛, 朱守业

【关 键 词 】:

技术观; 工具论; 实践理论; 教育技术; 教育数字化转型

【栏      目】:





The instrumental view of technology is a widely accepted perspective in society and is also the mainstream view in current education. Instrumentalism is a product of the subject-object dualistic epistemology, which emphasizes the function of technology and regards it as a value-neutral tool, but overlooks the function of people and educational contexts. The expansion of technological instrumentalism can dissolve the complexity of educational activities, triggers the proceduralization of educational activities, and lead to the inefficiency in the application of educational technology. The practical turn in philosophical research paradigms has given rise to a new perspective of technology, in which practice theory elaborates on the daily, relational, processual, and microcosmic characteristics of human practice, and can reveal "what educational technology is actually like". The practical view of educational technology helps us to demonstrate the "human-technology-education" relationship in educational technology, as well as the contextualized, dynamic, and creative practice process of educational technology, thereby opening the black box of the practice of educational technology. The practical view of educational technology can facilitate the logical transformation of digital transformation in education, focus on the micro-level activities of educational technology, and open up the "last kilometer" of digital transformation of education, thus empowering the comprehensive development of education and individuals, and helping to explore the path of Chinese-style digital transformation in education.

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