【作 者】:
钟柏昌, 张孟娟
【关 键 词 】:
教育技术学; 论文发表; 内卷; 学术内卷; CSSCI期刊
【栏 目】:
Academic involution has become a "pet phrase" among some scholars. However, it is not clear what the extent of the involution is, what the causes are, and how to crack them. In order to investigate whether there is academic involution in the field of educational technology, this paper employs bibliometric methods to quantitatively analyze the papers published in eight CSSCI journals in educational technology between 2012-2021. It was found that, similar to the academic circle as a whole, there is a certain degree of academic involution in educational technology, which is manifested by worsening competition, polarization, solidification of boundaries, chasing hot spots, and simple migration. The main reasons for the formation of academic involution include: the imbalance between supply and demand for publications, which triggers the competition for publication opportunities; the unequal opportunities for publication of academic groups, which intensifies the "Matthew Effect"; the lack of interaction in the external environment, which leads to a lack of internal and external circulation in the discipline; and the utilitarian and quantitative-oriented evaluation mechanism, which gives rise to the involution chaos. In order to resolve the problem of academic involution, we need to optimize the construction of journals to reduce the influence of the "Matthew effect", to strengthen interdisciplinary and cross-regional cooperation in research to realize the development of internal and external circulation, to broaden international cooperation channels and create a new mechanism for international cooperation of educational technology journals, and to establish multiple research evaluation standards to reduce the influence of evaluation alienation.