【作 者】:
贾利锋, 李海龙
【关 键 词 】:
在线学习; 临场感; 学习认知; 自我效能; 自我调节学习
【栏 目】:
Based on the community of inquiry theory, this paper explores various factors of presence that affect the formation of online learning cognition and constructs a structural relation model. Moreover, the relation of each presence is analyzed through correlation, multiple mediations and adjustment. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 614 sophomore undergraduates who used Sakai virtual teaching platform for online learning. The research results show that there is an indirect significant positive correlation between teaching behavior and learning cognition in online learning. Teaching indirectly affects learning cognition through social presence and learner presence. Self-regulated learning has a moderating effect on learning cognition. This study reveals the internal mechanism of the influence of teaching activities on learning cognition through learning interaction and self-efficacy in online learning, and the individual differences brought by self-regulated learning on the formation of learning cognition.