【作 者】:
张 露, 胡若楠, 曾嘉灵, 尚俊杰
【关 键 词 】:
教育游戏; 游戏化学习; 学习科学; 数学认知; 设计研究
【栏 目】:
In recent years, the development of educational technology has brought unprecedented opportunities for innovative learning approaches. This paper addresses the core issue in the field of gamified learning research—how to design scientific, effective and fun educational games—and designs the math game Fractions Run Run Run with an interdisciplinary perspective of learning science. In terms of cognitive content design, the design is carried out according to the relevant research findings in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, pedagogy and psychology to provide scientific cognitive support for learners. Meanwhile, the practical requirement is used as design guide to ensure the effectiveness of the use of the game. On the basis of scientific validity and effectiveness, the game elements can be utilized to fully mobilize learners' emotional motivation. It has been tested that Fractions Run Run Run can significantly improve the conceptual knowledge of fractions of Grade 4 students in primary schools.