【作 者】:
王 萍
【关 键 词 】:
教育视频; 人工智能; 视频分析; 应用设计
【栏 目】:
Video is an important form of learning resources in education. The analysis and innovative application of educational video based on artificial intelligence technology is an important way to promote the application of educational artificial intelligence. At present, it is still in the exploratory stage of research and practice. This paper analyzes the supportive function of artificial intelligence to educational video, and discusses the specific application scenarios of artificial intelligence in educational video. Then, the design guidelines and framework of educational video application based on artificial intelligence are constructed and a case is designed and implemented. The research results show that the application of educational video based on artificial intelligence helps to enhance interactive learning, support multimodal learning analysis, optimize the design of video game, and promote the construction of smart classroom and smart campus. The application research and practice of artificial intelligence in educational video will promote the innovation of education and promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and education.