【作 者】:
王竹立, 卢 遥
【关 键 词 】:
新建构主义; 重构主义; 社会化学习; 群体化学习; 网络学习理论
【栏 目】:
New Constructivism theory is a local theory of learning and innovation in the network era, and it has been more than 10 years since it was proposed in 2011. It has experienced the initial stage of theory creation, theory refinement and theory development, and has produced a great social impact and has been applied to a certain extent in education and teaching practice. However, its development process has been accompanied by various doubts and faced with crises and challenges. The basic principles and main viewpoints of new constructivism still have strong vitality and will become more and more important. The rise of social learning, especially group learning, and the advent of the Web3.0 era provide new opportunities for the development and application of New Constructivism theory. As an evolving and enriching interpretative theory, the term New Constructivism is no longer enough to summarize the essence and overall picture of the current theory, and it is renamed Reconstructivism. This paper systematically combs the four major components of the theory: new view of knowledge, new view of learning, new view of teaching and learning, and inclusive thinking.