【作 者】:
侯春笑, 田爱丽
【关 键 词 】:
后疫情时代; 在线教育; 感性抒发; 理性表达; 扎根理论
【栏 目】:
Online teaching and learning in the post-epidemic era has received extensive attention from all walks of life, and has been widely discussed by the public through social media. By analyzing the content of 1005 posts related to large-scale "online education" on Weibo and Zhihu platforms, through coding and inductive deduction, the paper condenses a conceptual framework of public concern and explains the relationships among the core categories. The study finds that the lack of awareness of online education, the inertial constraints of traditional classrooms, the instability of external support frameworks, and the failure to effectively establish the "relevance" of core elements have become hot issues of public concern. In order to enhance public recognition and satisfaction with online education and promote the healthy development of online education, it is necessary to fully highlight the functional value of online education, innovate the methods of online education, strengthen the external support framework, and practice the meaning of "connectivity".