中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    The Main Line of Tens of Thousands of Years' Evolution of Educational Technology


【作      者】:

陈耀华,毕家娟, 陈 琳

【关 键 词 】:

教育技术; 文字技术; 印刷技术; 电媒技术; 数字技术; 智能技术; 教育技术本质作用

【栏      目】:





According to new archaeological discoveries, historical documents and the results of multidisciplinary researches, the evolution of educational technology throughout human history can be divided into eight levels, namely, oral technology, textual technology, recording and writing technology, teaching and computational tools technology, printing technology, electronic media technology, digital technology and intelligent technology. Each level of educational technology has made or will make revolutionary changes in human education. Oral technology has given rise to the original education of mankind, which was transmitted by word of mouth; textual technology has made systematic education for the transmission of experience possible; recording and writing technology has transformed the possibility of systematic education into reality; graphics and computational technology has given birth to the combination of abstract and concrete education, and promoted the improvement of human computational ability; printing technology has given birth to the modern education system and promoted the popularization of education; electronic media technology has given birth to adequate audio-visual education and to distance education based on radio and television; digital technology has given birth to online education, and promoted the development of learning society and lifelong education, and intelligent technology has given birth to a new form of education that universally creates people and a new ecology of scenario-based learning. The study clearly outlines the main vein of the eight levels of evolution of educational technology in the past ten thousand years, thoroughly analyses the great changes and driving effects of the main educational technology on education, has broken through the discourse system limitation of the history of educational technology constructed by the West for more than 100 years, and restored the real history of the development of educational technology for tens of thousands of years, which can help to construct a new discourse system for educational technology scientifically.

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