中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2025年第3期>

    校教师构建TPACK持续发展共同体的 行动研究:基于实践—反思的路径

    Action Research on University Teachers' Construction of a TPACK Sustainable Development Community: Based on Practice and Reflection


【作      者】:


【关 键 词 】:

TPACK发展; 实践—反思教师研修; 教师成长共同体; 生成式人工智能; 创新型教师队伍

【栏      目】:





In recent years, emerging technologies such as live streaming, the metaverse, and generative artificial intelligence have rapidly evolved, providing rich scenarios for the development of teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). However, advancing teachers' understanding and application of emerging technologies and developing TPACK are characterized by longevity and complexity, which are difficult to achieve through conventional training alone. Therefore, this study spanned four years and employed action research method to construct a practice-reflection-based community for the sustainable development of teachers' TPACK across ages, disciplines, universities and borders, composed of educational researchers and teachers. The community focused on the learning and integration of new technologies, promoted teachers to refine and develop TPACK through a three-step reflective approach, and provided teachers with systematic, professional, personalized, and long-term cognitive and emotional support, thereby inspiring teachers to form action chains based on developmental scenarios, leading to reflective growth. Based on the analyses of the interview texts and communication logs, this study found that teachers' TPACK was significantly developed, their reflective and research skills were enhanced, and their confidence in TPACK development was strengthened. The results of the study help educational institutions of all levels and types to better understand the difficulties and patterns of teachers' TPACK development in the age of digital intelligence, and to effectively promote the construction of an innovative teaching staff.

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