中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2025年第2期>

    真实与虚拟的物质—辩证实践:数智化背景下 学习的真实性危机与重构

    Material-Dialectical Practices of the Real and the Virtual: Crisis and Reconstruction of Authenticity in Learning in the Context of Digital Intelligence


【作      者】:

王志斌, 于 伟

【关 键 词 】:

数字化学习; 真实性; 第三持存; 工具本体; 心理本体

【栏      目】:





With the development of modern natural sciences and technologies, digital technologies such as virtual reality, generative artificial intelligence, and meta-universe have been introduced into the educational field, and the authenticity of digital learning has become a problem. The structure of virtuality in digital learning needs to be reconceptualized and reconfigured to understand the mechanism of operation of digital learning, confirming externally the symbolic and real virtuality determined by the entanglement of the materiality of digital algorithms and digital tertiary rentention technologies, and internally reconstructing the imagined virtuality inherent in the learner. Laying the foundation for the scientific, social, and individual authenticity of digital learning through a philosophy of authenticity. The scientific reality of digital learning is established through the network of actor aggregates formed by humans and non-humans, the social reality of digital learning is shaped through the symbolic and pedagogical transformation of the structure of perceptual experience, and the individual reality of digital learning is established through the aesthetic experience of rationality melting into sensibility. The essence of digital learning, as a material-dialectical practical activity of the real and the virtual, in the dialectical practice of virtuality and authenticity, in the material entanglement of learners and digital technology intra- actions, the human groups realize the transmission of culture and civilization, the production of collective memory, and the individual human being obtains their own instrumental ontology and cultural-psychological ontology.

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