中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    Research on Formation Mechanism of Teachers' Intention to Use Generative Artificial Intelligence


【作      者】:

张 彦 杰

【关 键 词 】:

教师; 生成式人工智能; AIDUA模型; 使用意向; 形成机制

【栏      目】:





Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has a widespread and profound impact on education, but the academic community has paid relatively little attention to teachers' intention to use GenAI. The study took primary and secondary school teachers as the research object, and based on cognitive appraisal theory and the AIDUA model, adopted questionnaire survey and structural equation modelling to preliminarily explore the formation mechanism of teachers' intention to use GenAI. It is found that, although teachers have limited knowledge and experience with GenAI, they maintain a positive attitude towards its use, support its integration into education and teaching, and do not worry about being replaced. And the formation mechanism of teachers' GenAI use intention manifests as a cognitive process, psychological mechanism and behavioral pattern with two dimensions (acceptance of use and rejection of use) and three stages (cognitive appraisal stage, emotional response stage and intention formation stage). The "social influence → perceived humanization →performance expectancy → acceptance of using GenAI" pattern represents a more universal mechanism for the formation of teachers' intention to accept GenAI. AI anxiety is one of the main factors leading to teachers' rejection of GenAI use. Therefore, to enhance teachers' acceptance of GenAI, it is necessary to strengthen their professional development, increase practical opportunities, and promote collaboration between researchers and educators, thereby improving their performance expectations of GenAI, reducing their use anxiety, and promoting education and teaching innovation.

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