中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2025年第1期>

    网络问答社区核心参与者知识共享障碍机制研究 ——基于扎根理论与系统动力学仿真的实践

    Research on the Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing Barriers for Core Participants in Online Q&A Communities: A Practice Based on Grounded Theory and System Dynamics Simulation


【作      者】:

沈占波,刘建泽,王 蒙,单 伟

【关 键 词 】:

网络问答社区; 核心参与者; 知识共享; 障碍机制; 扎根理论; 仿真

【栏      目】:





As the core participants in knowledge sharing within online Q&A communities become increasingly prominent, exploring the barrier mechanism of their knowledge sharing is crucial for enhancing the quality of group learning . The study firstly constructs a model of barrier factors to the willingness of knowledge sharing behaviors of core participants through grounded theory. Secondly, the study uses system dynamics to build a model of the barrier mechanism, and simulates to explore the evolutionary patterns of the quantity of knowledge sharing behaviors among core participants and the transmission logic of the non-linear influence of the key barrier factors on the quantity of knowledge sharing behaviours. It is found that four barrier factors, such as subject barrier and object barrier, are the main barriers to the willingness of knowledge sharing behaviors of core participants, with interactions among them. The simulation results show that the growth rate of willingness and quantity of knowledge sharing behaviors is gradually slowing down. After adjusting the sensitivity of parameters, each barrier factor causes the quantity of knowledge sharing behaviors of core participants to decline. Among them, five key barriers, such as knowledge sharing atmosphere barrier and core participant characteristics barrier, have a significant effect on the quantity of knowledge sharing behaviors of core participants. Based on this, suggestions are proposed to focus on optimizing the feedback loop where the key barrier factors are located.

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