中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    “变”与“不变”:数智时代大规模因材施教的 理性审思

    "Changes" and "Constants": Rational Reflection on Large-scale Individualized Teaching in the Age of Digital Intelligence


【作      者】:

程 龙

【关 键 词 】:

数智时代; 大规模因材施教; 理性审思; 本质属性; 技术使用

【栏      目】:





In the age of digital intelligence, the research on large-scale individualized teaching presents a paradox between technologism and essentialism, as well as a phenomenon where theoretical research is thriving while practical exploration lags behind. Rationally reflecting on the issues of large-scale individualized teaching in the age of digital intelligence from ontological, epistemological, axiological, and methodological perspectives helps to clarify what "changes" and "constants" have occurred. The "changes" are reflected in the "three-dimensional" understanding of the concept of it, the "negative entropy flow" that empowers the orderly value of it, and the "structural network" that constructs the methodological system of it. The "constants" lie in the fact that individualized teaching is fundamentally a matter of pedagogical practice rather than technical operation, and its core is the transformation of teachers' teaching and students' learning. In the view of this, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between the value rationality and instrumental rationality in the process of change, actively embrace information technology while preventing technological dependence or anxiety, and achieve a shift from top-down business promotion to bottom-up orientation of school nurturing needs.

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