中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    从生命离场到在场:智能技术与教育争持的 哲学省思

    From Absence to Presence of Life: Philosophical Introspection on the Dispute between Intelligent Technology and Education


【作      者】:


【关 键 词 】:

教育; 技术; 智能技术; 工具理性; 生命本真

【栏      目】:





Human life is flowing and generating with the interconnection between intelligent technology and education, but it also implies the conflict between the fact of intelligent technology's "obscuring" and the need for education's "de-obscuring". In order to explore the current situation of intelligent technology and education, and achieve a meaningful presence of life, it is necessary to carefully review the philosophical starting point and evolutionary logic of intelligent technology and education, explain the causes of life departure triggered by the dispute between the two, and explore how the two can achieve mutual construction and symbiosis to stimulate the presence of life. The dilemma caused by the dispute between intelligent technology and education is reflected in the fact that instrumental rationality constrains the soul of education, and educational self-binding hinders the empowerment of technology, and diminishes the value of life. The ultimate value of the collaboration between intelligent technology and education lies in the realization of life presence. It is necessary to promote the ideological leap of human-computer symbiosis,adjust the time lag of the practice of learning to be an adult, and understand the "sincerity" of the essence of life of human beings, so that we can respond to the crisis of meaning in the reality of education with the realm of "conscience".

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