中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2024年第12期>

    “技术赋能”还是“工具依赖”: 生成式人工智能对研究生科研创新力的影响研究

    "Technology Empowerment" or "Tool Dependency": A Study on the Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Graduate Students' Research and Innovation Ability


【作      者】:

马银琦,黄 恒,毋 磊,黄 丹

【关 键 词 】:

生成式人工智能; 研究生; 科研创新力; 技术赋能; 工具依赖

【栏      目】:





Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has demonstrated great potential in the field of education and brought new opportunities and challenges for the cultivation of graduate students' research and innovation abilities. Based on the survey data from 1,714 graduate students, the impact of GAI on graduate students' research and innovation abilities was investigated through methods such as Ordinary Least Squares, Negative Binomial Regression, Entropy Balancing Matching, and Unconditional Quantile Regression. It is found that nearly 90% of graduate students have used GAI to assist their research, primarily for language polishing and literature review. The use of GAI has significantly enhanced graduate students' research and innovation abilities, particularly in innovative thinking, practice ability, and innovation quality. The frequency of GAI use significantly contributes to graduate students' research and innovation abilities, and has a significant nonlinear relationship with graduate students' innovative research outcomes. The impact of using GAI and its frequency on graduate students' research and innovation abilities is significantly heterogeneous among different groups. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of information technology, improve the breadth and depth of graduate students' use of GAI, advocate for advocate the rational use of GAI and adherence to ethical norms, narrow the digital divide and optimize personalized learning.

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