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    The Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools on College Students' Critical Thinking and Autonomous Learning Ability


【作      者】:

戚 佳,徐艳茹,刘继安,薛 凯

【关 键 词 】:

高等教育; 人才培养; 高校学生; 生成式人工智能; 批判性思维; 自主学习能力

【栏      目】:



生成式人工智能(Generative Artificial Intelligence,GenAI)工具为教育数字化转型赋能人才培养带来了新动力。研究对1781位高校学生进行问卷调查,探究使用GenAI工具情况对其批判性思维与自主学习能力的影响。发现:(1)使用GenAI工具的学生的批判性思维和自主学习能力显著高于未使用此类工具的学生;(2)坚持使用GenAI工具的学生在批判性思维和自主学习能力的表现上比未坚持使用的学生更为优异;(3)相比于本科生和普通高校的学生,研究生和就读于“双一流”高校的学生使用GenAI工具提升其批判性思维与自主学习能力的效果更为明显;(4)目前学生大多使用GenAI工具提问封闭型问题,需要进一步分析此类工具为学生提供个性化辅助的边界。


Generative Artificial Intelligence tools have brought new impetus to the digital transformation in education empowering talent training. This study conducted a questionnaire survey of 1,781 college students to explore the impact of using generative artificial intelligence tools on their critical thinking and autonomous learning ability. It is found that students who use generative artificial intelligence tools have significantly higher levels of critical thinking and autonomous learning ability than those who do not use such tools. Students who consistently use generative artificial intelligence tools perform better in both areas than those who do not consistently use them. Compared to undergraduates and students from ordinary universities, graduates and students enrolled in Double-First-Class universities demonstrate a more obvious improvement in critical thinking and autonomous learning ability through the use of generative artificial intelligence tools. Students mostly use generative artificial intelligence tools to ask close-ended questions, and further analysis is needed to determine the boundaries of the personalized assistance that such tools can provide to students.

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