中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    智能协作学习环境中学习者的提问能力对 认知过程的影响研究

    Research on the Impact of Learners' Questioning Ability on Cognitive Processes in Intelligent Collaborative Learning Environments


【作      者】:

于 爽,叶俊民,吴林静,尹兴翰,罗 晟,刘清堂

【关 键 词 】:

智能协作学习环境; 提问能力; 认知过程; 认知特征; 认知模式; 认知轨迹

【栏      目】:





The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has propelled the rise of intelligent collaborative learning environments. In this context, learners' questioning ability is particularly crucial, as they can directly enhance the interaction between learners and intelligent systems and improve the learning experience and outcomes. However, few studies have focused on the impact of learners' questioning ability on their cognitive processes. This study aims to explore how learners' questioning ability affects their cognitive processes in intelligent collaborative learning environments. Through the analysis of learners' questioning data and online collaborative discourses, it is found that learners' questioning ability has an impact on their cognitive processes, as shown in the following: learners with high questioning ability demonstrate a higher level of intelligent information integration and are capable of paraphrasing and applying the opinions obtained from the intelligent system more effectively. Learners with high questioning ability exhibit a "consensus explanation development" cognitive construction mode, whereas learners with low questioning ability display a "dialectical argumentation" cognitive construction mode. Learners with high questioning ability demonstrate sustained high levels of cognitive engagement, whereas learners with low questioning ability tend to get caught up in irrelevant topics during the initiation phase of collaboration, resulting in inefficient discussions. Based on this, this study proposes recommendations to enhance learners' AI literacy and questioning ability, refine teaching strategies for consensus interpretation and dialectical argumentation, and conduct longitudinal studies in intelligent collaborative learning environments.

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