中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    The Rise of Digital Territories and the Possible World of Pedagogy


【作      者】:

王济民, 班建武

【关 键 词 】:

数字生存论; 数字领地; 第三记忆; 教育伦理; 地方哲学

【栏      目】:





The traditional concept of territory is a political, temporal and spatial entity. The cultural nature of any educational form is built on the basis of concrete understanding, abstract distillation and memory storage of the territory. As for the philosopher of technology Bernard Stiegler, education is the activation and reconstruction of different types of cultural memory. Thus, the memories generated by the territory constitute the foundation of the past, the present and the future of education. In the book Technics and Time, Bernard Stiegler has outlined the digital territory. The so-called digital territory refers to the detachment and contextualization of territories within digital technologies, which is exhibited as the real-time processing of time, the virtualization of space, and the globalization of power. This requires that education should not be confined to traditional territories and memories, but should also consider the educational possibilities in the world of digital territories and digital memories. Specifically, it is necessary to pay attention to the educational value of digital memory based on digital territories, reflect on the possibility and alienation of educational enhancement in real time, practice the ethics of interface and responsibility of educational communication in digital space, and be alert to the psycho-political risks in the process of educational globalization Only in this way, can a new image of pedagogy in the transformation of philosophy of place in the digital era be drawn.

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