中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2024年第12期>

    职前教师人机协同教学设计能力培养实证研究 ——基于自我生成教学理论视角

    An Empirical Research on the Development of Pre-service Teachers' Human-Machine Collaborative Instructional Design Abilities


【作      者】:

吴 斓, 王阿习,董 艳

【关 键 词 】:

生成式人工智能; 人机协同; 教学设计; 职前教师; 自我生成教学

【栏      目】:





Teachers' instructional design ability is one of the key factors affecting the quality and efficiency of education, and the development of pre-service teachers' instructional design ability has become the focus in teacher education. However, because of lacking resource support and personalized guidance in the process of instructional design, pre-service teachers are prone to superficial understanding of instructional design and even lose interest and confidence. Generative artificial intelligence (GAI), with its rich knowledge reserve, human-like thinking logic and efficient response, has shown typical advantages in empowering pre-service teachers to develop their instructional design ability. Based on this, this study, under the guidance of self-regulated instruction theory, analyzed the process of human-machine collaborative instructional design, including three major stages of knowledge retrieval, structure reconstruction, and plan generation. Based on this model, the training activities for pre-service teachers' human-computer collaborative instructional design ability were designed and an empirical study was conducted. By comparing the data before and after the training, it was found that there were significant improvements in the understanding of instructional design, the level of higher-order thinking, and confidence in instructional design. Finally, this paper discussed the results and proposed some developmental suggestions.

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