中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2024年第11期>

    利用双师课堂建构教师分角色越层培养模式 ——基于北京市F区双师课堂项目推进实践的反思与提升

    Constructing A Role Differentiated and Cross-level Training Model through the Dual-Teacher Classroom: Reflection and Enhancement Based on the Practice of Dual-teacher Classroom Project in Area F of Beijing


【作      者】:

朱京曦, 梁一凡, 陈书琴, 桑笑语

【关 键 词 】:

双师课堂; 教师; 实践能力; 分角色; 分层; 培养模式

【栏      目】:





Since 2016, with the vigorous construction and promotion of the "Three Classrooms" in China, the dual-teacher classrooms have begun to move from exploration to practice and from special cases to the norm on a large scale. Taking Area F in Beijing as an example, this paper reflected on and summarized the practice of the three-year project to explore the new direction of the application of the dual-teacher classroom in teacher training. Literature research and practical summaries indicate that the dual-teacher classroom, as a typical information-based collaborative teaching form, has significant effects on developing teachers' teaching practice abilities. Based on the labor relations of collaborative teaching in the dual-teacher classroom, this paper proposes the idea of "role-based stratification", targeting the enhancement of teachers' ability to handle teaching content, implement teaching methods, and to apply teaching techniques. Taking the learner, the instructor and the collaborator as labor roles, the 3A3R stratified model for the dual-teacher classroom is constructed. According to the two basic labor relations of guidance and collaboration in the dual-teacher classroom, the 3A3R dual-teacher cross-level training model is proposed. The cross-level improvement of teachers' practice abilities is realized through conducting precise thematic teaching and research activities.

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