中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    数字教材何以重塑课堂教学:边界重构、 隐忧审视与超越向度

    How Digital Teaching Materials Reshape Classroom Teaching: Boundaries Reconstruction, Invisible Risks Examination and Transcendental Dimensions


【作      者】:

张 靖 卉

【关 键 词 】:

数字教材; 课堂教学; 认知意向; 身份危机; 主体意识

【栏      目】:





Under the background of the integration of new generation artificial intelligence and digital transformation of education, digital teaching materials, as the core teaching resources, have become an important issue in realizing the transformation of classroom teaching methods. Technology-enabled digital teaching materials will break the limitations of traditional teaching and reconstruct the boundary of teaching resources, the power boundary of multiple subjects, the physical and mental boundary of learners, and the boundary of classroom space and time. However, digital teaching materials have also hidden risks, specifically manifested as the cognitive intention binding caused by digital alienation, the identity dilemmas under the power inter-involvement, the personality differentiation under the "disembodiment" of the learning process, and the loss of subject consciousness under the technical discipline. In view of this, it is necessary to explore the transcendental dimension that resolve the problems from both design and use of digital teaching materials. In the design dimension, digital teaching materials should construct a knowledge system of "cross-boundary convergence" and "limited development", create a dynamic power system that fits the values of multiple subjects, and construct a "body-technology-mind" mechanism for whole-person development. In the use dimension, it is necessary to break through the regulation of technological instrumental rationality, return to one's own subjectivity, and explore the use mode of digital teaching materials from the perspective of human-computer collaboration.

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