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    协作学习中生成式人工智能促进创造性潜能的 机理研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Creative Potentials in Collaborative Learning


【作      者】:

王春丽, 陈艳艳, 顾小清, 邢海风

【关 键 词 】:

生成式人工智能; 创造性潜能; 创造力; 协作学习; 人机协同

【栏      目】:



教育改革普遍重视学生创造性潜能培养,生成式人工智能(GAI)为此提供机遇。CHoM框架将创造性潜能分为创造性思维(发散、收敛)和创造性人格(好奇、坚持、协作)。研究在“教育技术研究方法”课程中,面向协作学习引入GAI工具,探索GAI 如何促进学生创造性潜能发展。通过前后测、认知网络分析和滞后序列分析发现:触发发散思维是GAI诱发创造性潜能的首要原因,收敛思维与发散思维相伴发生则是GAI推动创造性潜能的必要条件,好奇与坚持的人格是GAI衍生创造性潜能的独特表现,而师生、生生的人际协作则是优化人机共创效果的关键保障。由此,研究揭示了GAI影响创造性潜能的机理,包括强化人际协作、推动思维由广至精、塑造人格的螺旋过程。最后,就深化研究体系、理清师—生—机关系以及培养学生能动性方面提出了建议。


Educational reforms generally attach importance to the creative potential, and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) provides opportunities for this. According to the CHoM framework, the creative potential is divided into creative thinking (divergent thinking, convergent thinking) and creative personality (curiosity, persistence, collaboration). In this study, GAI tools were introduced for collaborative learning in the course "Educational Technology Research Methods" to explore how GAI could promote the development of students' creative potential. Through pre- and post- tests, cognitive network analysis, and lag sequence analysis, it is found that triggering divergent thinking is the primary reason for GAI to induce creative potential, the co-occurrence of convergent thinking and divergent thinking is the necessary condition for GAI to promote creative potential. The personality of curiosity and persistence is the unique expression of GAI-derived creative potentials, teacher-student and student-student interpersonal collaboration are the crucial guarantee for optimizing the effects of human-machine co-creation. Thus, this study reveals the mechanism by which GAI influences the creative potential, including strengthening interpersonal collaboration, promoting transition of thinking from the broad to the refined, and shaping creative personality. Finally, suggestions are made regarding deepening the research system, clarifying the teacher-student-machine relationship, and cultivating students' initiative.

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