中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    Artificial Intelligence Empowering Higher Education Governance: International Experience and Chinese Choice


【作      者】:

杨宁霞, 唐爱民

【关 键 词 】:

人工智能; 高等教育治理; 外部治理; 内部治理; 伦理治理

【栏      目】:





Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a key technological tool for higher education governance. However, in the practice of AI-enabled higher education governance, there are still realistic challenges such as lagging policy systems and resource allocation, lack of strategic planning and cultural construction, and alienation of interpersonal relationships and technological tools. Therefore, this study uses a comparative research method to focus on and summarize the governance practices of countries around the world in recent years, and has found that the government attaches great importance to the external governance of higher education under the background of artificial intelligence in order to " protect against external threats", universities actively promote the internal governance under the support of artificial intelligence in order to "stabilize the internal environment", and all parties work together to implement the ethical governance of the educational application of artificial intelligence for "regulatory control". Based on this, China should learn from international experience to make the Chinese choice for AI-enabled higher education governance: guiding and controlling intelligent technology to build an external governance system that fits the context of the times; expanding the new qualitative potentials to stimulate the internal governance dynamics of higher education; paying attention to domestic and international cooperation to strengthen the ethical governance norms of artificial intelligence. Thereby, a modernization plan of higher education governance with Chinese characteristics can be formed.

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