中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


您的位置:首页 >文章目录 >2024年第11期>

    生成式人工智能增强学科教学适应性的 逻辑理路与实践路径

    Logical Rational and Practical Paths for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Subject Teaching Adaptability


【作      者】:

张玉柳, 罗江华

【关 键 词 】:

生成式人工智能; 适应性; 学科教学适应性; 人机协同; 有限理性

【栏      目】:





With the intelligent emergence of generative artificial intelligence technology, enhancing the adaptability of subject teaching is an essential reflection of the interplay between the internal layer of subject teaching self-development and the external technological environment. First of all, this paper systematically elaborates on the essential connotation of subject teaching adaptability, revealing the logic of enhancement and stage characteristics of subject teaching adaptability. Secondly, the paper discusses the enhancement effect of generative artificial intelligence in empowering subject teaching adaptability in terms of practical value from three aspects of teaching content, teaching subject and teaching evaluation. The logical mechanism of the enhancement effect is based on the improvement of technological adaptability, centered around the construction of intelligent teaching situation, and ultimately oriented to the deep adaptation and collaborative development of teachers and students in the new technological environment. Finally, in order to continuously promote the enhancement of subject teaching adaptability through generative artificial intelligence, this paper, starting from the aspects such as being rooted in the large model of the subject , enriching the structure of the teaching field, and adhering to the main theme of subject education,discusses the practical path to promote the deep coupling of generative artificial intelligence and subject teaching so as to provide reference and insights for the teaching practice of related subjects.

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