中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    动手、动脑与动心:论教学交互的具身转向与 学习的三重境界

    Hands-on, Minds-on, and Hearts-on: On the Embodied Turn in Teaching Interaction and Three Levels of Learning


【作      者】:

王美倩, 郑旭东

【关 键 词 】:

教学交互; 离身交互; 具身交互; 动手; 动脑; 动心

【栏      目】:





Influenced by classical cognitive science, disembodied interaction mediated by abstract symbols has dominated teaching and learning, resulting in the well-developed shaping of the learners' left-brain thinking but the limited development of their right-brain thinking. The rapid development of embodied cognitive science and artificial intelligence technology has laid the foundation for the shifting of teaching interaction to embodied interaction mediated by body signals and the cultivation of learners' whole-brain thinking. Learning is a process that evolves from the "hands-on" to the "minds-on" and then to the "hearts-on". From the perspective of embodied interaction, the "hands-on" is mainly manifested as on-site interaction supported by the embodied relationship between human and technology, the "minds-on" is mainly characterized by metaphorical interaction supported by the specificity of "sense-act" simulation, and the "hearts-on" is reflected in the ongoing dialogue between cognition and practice supported by the combined use of hands and minds. The interweaving of the "hands-on" and the "minds-on" creates "hands that can think" and "brains that can do", the "hearts-on" emerges when learners experience the wonder of creation and the beauty of learning in the coordinated transformation between the "hands-on" and the "minds-on".

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