中国教育类核心期刊 CSSCI来源期刊 RCCSE中国权威学术期刊


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    Value Implications and Promotion Strategies of Educational Digitalization Enabling High-quality and Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Counties under the New Situation of Population Development


【作      者】:

张 靖,李永杰,赵垣可,张保龙

【关 键 词 】:

人口; 教育数字化; 县域义务教育; 教育公平; 均衡

【栏      目】:





New trends of population development have emerged in China, and in this context, educational equity has taken on new connotations and characteristics. How to leverage the digital transformation of education to better empower the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education in counties and contribute to higher-quality educational equity is an urgent issue to be considered at present. This study analyzes the value implication of educational digitization in promoting the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education in counties, and ultimately proposes the strategies for promoting such development from five aspects, such as improving the mechanism, aligning teachers and students, enriching platforms, integrating digital intelligence, and innovating models.

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