【作 者】:
蔡慧英, 顾小清
【关 键 词 】:
协作问题解决学习; 学习干预; 外在表征; 先验知识
【栏 目】:
Scaffolding-based learning task and group cognitive process are part of learning intervention strategies for facilitating cognitive development of learners through collaborative problem solving learning. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the intervention, a 2×2 experimental design has been proposed between the external representative of learning environment (Diagram-based learning environment vs. Text-based learning environment) and the level of prior knowledge (High vs. Low). The data analysis of cognitive understanding in 4 experimental settings through pre-test and post-test show that the level of pre-knowledge would influence learner's primary cognitive development if the learning intervention of the integration between scaffold-based learning task and group cognitive process in collaborative problem solving learning. Meanwhile, the factor of external representative of learning environment would significantly affect individual's development of high-order cognitive understanding deeply and broadly. This study can offer specific practical guidance for teachers to organize collaborative problem solving learning in the classroom effectively.